News for 03-31-06
03-31-06 - Iran won't use oil as weapon: Mottaki Oil markets reacted to Mottaki's comments, with the price of U.S. light crude dropping 78 cents to $66.37 per barrel by 1421 GMT, after rallying 4 percent in course of the week.
03-31-06 - Iran's new missile shows it has an "aggressive" military program: US
03-31-06 - Iran nuclear plan 'irreversible' "However, we will not yield to pressure and intimidation and will not renounce by any means our country's legitimate right as recognised by international law,"
03-31-06 - Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming. But there -- that's a separate proposition from the question of whether or not there was some kind of a relationship between the Iraqi government, Iraqi intelligence services and the al Qaeda organization.
03-31-06 - Lebanon president clashes with anti-Syria ministers
03-31-06 - UN Security Council Resolution on Iran is a 'Good First Step', Says American Jewish Congress What is most likely is that, in the end, economic sanctions, stronger political pressure or perhaps even military action will be needed. Just remember this statement. For pro-Israeli groups have backpeddled away from their stance on the Iraq war since it has not gone as neocons had planned.
03-31-06 - Freed Reporter Expected to Go to Germany
03-31-06 - Special needs school welcomes war-scarred Iraqi children The war is hard on all of the institute's children. The simple passage of helicopters criss-crossing Baghdad's skies can spread panic and sow fear among the pupils.
03-31-06 - Tens of thousands flee conflict in Iraq: IOM
03-31-06 - Captain held after Bahrain deaths Police are questioning the captain of a boat which capsized off the coast of Bahrain, killing at least 57 people.
03-31-06 - Ex-Mossad chief: Hamas offered 30-year cease-fire in 1997
03-31-06 - Jill Carroll: finally free Across the Muslim world, voices not normally heard on behalf of an American, called for Jill's release: Hamas in the Palestinian territories, the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, and many others.
03-31-06 - House Budget Plan Ignores Bush Cuts to Medicare but Hits Veterans Health Care Veterans, many of them senior citizens, did not fair so well. The House committee cut the budget for medical care of veterans below even current levels for the rest of the decade Hideous.
03-31-06 - Actor & Director Ed Asner Shares 9/11 Concerns Asner questioned why no authority figures had been fired for their inability to prevent 9/11. Exactly. And if nobody was held accountable then, what's to stop it from happening AGAIN?
03-31-06 - Public Continues to Sour on Bush's Crusade
03-31-06 - Iraq bases spur questions over US plans
03-31-06 - In pictures: Iranian earthquake Also what Iran will look like if we bomb them?
03-31-06 - Daniel Pipes, a new kind of Israel-basher Dr. Pipes goes on to admit "a certain frustration" with the apparent unwillingness of Israelis to go out there and do the right thing: bring the Arabs to heel, by use of overwhelming force. Pipes would appear to be a supremacist/extremist whose ideologies inspired the Danish editor (Fleming Rose) to publish the anti-Islam cartoons.
03-31-06 - The Lobby Strikes Back The hate campaign directed at Mearsheimer and Walt underscores and validates the study's contention that all attempts to objectively discuss our Israel-centric foreign policy and the pivotal role played by the Lobby are met with outright intimidation.
03-31-06 - Eitan has Pollard document, spy's wife says Rafi Eitan "has in his personal possession a document, a major bargaining chip in negotiations for Jonathan's release," Esther Pollard wrote Thursday in the online version of Ma'ariv. "He has held the only copy of it for 21 years. The recovery of this document would be invaluable to the Americans, as it would permit them to finally wrap up the case once and for all."
03-31-06 - Kosher deli appeal in Abramoff sentencing One of the letters that successfully sought leniency for lobbyist Jack Abramoff noted that he ran a kosher deli, at a loss.
03-31-06 - Global Divide on Israel Lobby Study In the international online media, the 83-page study, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," by John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard, has attracted largely positive coverage. By contrast, U.S. and Israeli commentators have described their findings as outrageous and scandalous. Which again proves one of the points of the study.
03-31-06 - Analysis:China's Middle East agenda
03-31-06 - 'Israel lobby' critique roils academe The significance of the paper, according to those who condemn it, as well as those who embrace it, lies in the Harvard and University of Chicago credentials of the authors and in the fact that it has been presented in a high-level academic forum, in a heavily footnoted style associated with accurate, objective scholarship. This article was almost an attempt at fairness by the Boston Globe with respect to its reporting on the matter of the study of the Israeli lobby. But then they felt the need to play the David Duke card.
03-31-06 - America and Israel Judgment of the precise value of the Walt-Mearscheimer paper has been swept aside by a wave of condemnation. Their scholarship has been derided and their motives impugned, while Harvard has energetically disassociated itself from their views. Mr Walt's position as academic dean of the Kennedy School is in doubt.
03-31-06 - High Stakes at Harvard What would motivate two well recognized academics to depart so grossly from their usual standards of academic writing and research in order to produce a "study paper" that contributes so little to the existing literature while lending so much comfort to anti-Semites? Dershowitz, while playing the anti-Semite card (big surprise there), changes tack and focuses on going after Harvard next. All angles are being worked in the relentless onslaught of bilious vitriol by pro-Israelis in response to the study of the Israeli lobby. I don't think even they know where to fling the feces next. All they seem to know is that it must be flung.