The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Monday, October 31, 2005

News for 10-30-05

10-30-05 - U.N. Council Divided Over Syria Resolution Russia, China and Algeria, a non-permanent council member and its only Arab representative, oppose the threat of sanctions, saying it's too early since the investigation has been extended until Dec. 15 and no final results have been produced.

10-30-05 - Key Events Tied to Libby's Role in Probe

10-30-05 - Syria launches diplomatic campaign to ease pressure

10-30-05 - Iran won't return to nuclear freeze: Ahmadinejad

10-30-05 - Damascus fears 'unfair' UN sanctions

10-30-05 - UK Discourages Military Response vs. Iran

10-30-05 - Bush, Cheney Urged to Apologize for Aides

10-30-05 - US admits it has counted 26,000 Iraqi dead The Pentagon has admitted for the first time that it is keeping track of civilian casualties in Iraq. The figures, slipped into a bar graph in a lengthy report to the US congress this month, show that the daily number of Iraqi casualties has more than doubled in the past 18 months.... This contradicts the Pentagon's assertion that the security situation in Iraq is improving - and that appearances to the contrary reflect the media's focus on bombings in and around Baghdad.

10-30-05 - Syria accuses US of military raids

10-30-05 - Militia boasts of role in Sabra massacre In Massaker, six former Christian Phalange militiamen tell of their training by Israeli allies and recount the events of 16-18 September, 1982, when hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children were killed in the Beirut camps.

10-30-05 - Bad Blood Exists Between White House, CIA

10-30-05 - Iranians say Israel spat used to up atomic pressure

10-30-05 - Lebanon Tries to Cut Off Palestinian Group

10-30-05 - Tougher international line on Syria The Bush administration's goal in Syria is a familiar one: regime change.

10-30-05 - UN's Mehlis report discredited :: International espionage over Syria?::

10-30-05 - Israel slams Annan's planned visit to Iran

10-30-05 - How the Iraq War disappointed Israel In short, there is a growing recognition in Israel that the Iraq War was not so good for the Jews Because it wasn't the 'cakewalk' as was predicted by neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz?

10-30-05 - Iran president calls for democracy for Palestinians

Sunday, October 30, 2005

News for 10-29-05

10-29-05 - Syria to set up probe into Hariri murder

10-29-05 - Islamic Jihad offices closed long ago: Syria

10-29-05 - Bush Admin.: Treaty Outlawing Torture Doesn't Apply Beyond U.S. Soil

10-29-05 - US poor set to lose food stamps The Republican majority on the House Agriculture Committee has approved budget cuts that will take "food stamps" away from an estimated 300,000 people and could cut off school lunches and breakfasts for 40,000 children Americans suffer because much-needed funds are being diverted to the neocon's war machine.

10-29-05 - F.B.I. Is Still Seeking Source of Forged Uranium Reports An Italian journalist handed the documents over to the United States government in October 2002, months after the Wilson mission to Africa, according to the review by the intelligence committee. A month earlier, the deputy national security adviser at the time, Stephen J. Hadley, met in Washington with the head of an Italian intelligence service, according to a report that was published this week in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica "Hadley, who also received a phone call from CIA Director George J. Tenet before the president's Oct. 7 speech asking that the Africa allegation be removed, took the blame for allowing the charge to be revived in the State of the Union address."

10-29-05 - At Least 7 in Cabinet Knew of Plame's ID

10-29-05 - Cars stolen in US used in suicide attacks The FBI's counterterrorism unit has launched a broad investigation of US-based theft rings after discovering some vehicles used in deadly car bombings in Iraq, including attacks that killed US troops and Iraqi civilians, were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior US Government officials.

10-29-05 - Libby Said to Concoct Story in Leak Case In 1992, Libby and former Pentagon deputy Paul Wolfowitz wrote a paper favoring the use of pre-emptive force to prevent countries from developing weapons of mass destruction. The paper later won praise from the neoconservative Project for the New American Century, which called it "a blueprint for maintaining U.S. pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival."

10-29-05 - Bob Cesca: The Neocon Plumbers and The Conspiracy For War Smearing Joe Wilson and leaking his wife's name to Judy Miller, Matt Cooper, Bob Novak, and the rest is just one small part of a much larger and prearranged plot orchestrated by the PNAC neocons since the first Gulf War ended and Bush 41 lost re-election.

10-29-05 - Saddam accepted ill-fated exile proposal: UAE prince

10-29-05 - Berlusconi tried to talk Bush out of Iraq war

10-29-05 - Indictment doesn't clear up mystery at heart of CIA leak probe

10-29-05 - Lewis Libby, a member of Temple Rodef Shalom in northern Virginia, resigned as Vice President Richard Cheney?s top adviser after he was indicted for perjury.

10-29-05 - U.S. official: Hezbollah in Western Hemisphere "In some ways, you could argue that Hezbollah may be more of a threat than Al-Qaida, given their network, given their expertise, given their state sponsorship."
The State Department after the departure of Powell has come under the full control of the neocons.

10-29-05 - Syrian and Lebanese visit Saudi over tension with West Another Arab diplomat said Muallem's tour "comes within the framework of inter-Arab consultations on ways of containing the crisis" sparked by a report on a UN probe which implicated Syria in last February's murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri.

10-29-05 - Jerusalem Summit: What Are The Neocons Cooking?

10-29-05 - Let's not Forget to Expel Israel Too

10-29-05 - Grand jury issues new subpoenas in DeLay investigation

10-29-05 - Israel welcomes Security Council's message to Tehran

10-29-05 - Dangerous bluster The beneficiary, ironically for Iran, is Israel whose hand in Washington is strengthened. But such speeches bolster extremists

10-29-05 - Iran says not threatening attack on Israel

10-29-05 - Shock but no surprise on the streets of Jerusalem Israel is taking no chances, and is in the process of acquiring 500 bunker-busting bombs from the US that could be used to destroy Iranian facilities

Saturday, October 29, 2005

News for 10-28-05

10-28-05 - Syria: U.S. Troops Killed Syrian Soldier A Syrian general told reporters touring the border with Iraq on Friday that U.S. forces fired across the frontier five months ago and killed a Syrian soldier during an American military operation

10-28-05 - Syria president pledges cooperation with Hariri probe

10-28-05 - Fitzgerald: Leak investigation not over Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald Friday said the inquiry into who outed a CIA agent is not over but it is unlikely any more charges will be filed.

10-28-05 - Security Council putting finishing touches to Syria resolution the amended text toned down some of the language and certain punitive measures, the implementation of which would now be overseen by a special committee

10-28-05 - Bush assails Syria, Iran as terrorism patrons With senior aides bracing nervously for possible criminal indictments in a CIA leak case, Bush began a speech on the war on terrorism by telling his cheering audience

10-28-05 - Libby indictment piles bad news on White House

10-28-05 - 'Official A' Stands Out in Indictment

10-28-05 - Lebanese army loosens grip on Palestinian bases

10-28-05 - UN condemns Iran's call for Israel's destruction amid international outcry

10-28-05 - Hezbollah chief blasts US at anti-Israel rally

10-28-05 - George Galloway begins fight to clear his name

10-28-05 - From 2003: LaRouche Points to Marc Rich's White House Mole: Lewis Libby Libby, in Congressional testimony, admitted to working with ex-Al Gore attorney Jack Quinn, and two "former" Mossad agents in Rich's employ, to secure the pardon.

10-28-05 - The Vice President's war on Saddam Libby's apparent involvement also has drawn attention to the role of Cheney in the case, and as one of the leading Iraq war hawks in the Bush administration, Cheney was doing all he could in the summer before the war to quiet the naysayers The Iraq war has enriched Halliburton's coffers a great deal.

10-28-05 - Hizbollah vows to stand by Syria

10-28-05 - Palestinians condemn Resolution 1559 at Jerusalem Day rally

10-28-05 - Israel cranks up pressure on Iran Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday stood by his calls for Israel to be "wiped off the map".

10-28-05 - An Iran-Russia-China axis?

10-28-05 - Russia, China call for U.S. troops to go A security bloc led by China and Russia has called on the United States to set a deadline for the withdrawal of its troops from Central Asia.

10-28-05 - Libby: The War Party's Kamikaze

10-28-05 - House expands Syria sanctions Approving a Senate bill Wednesday affirming existing sanctions against Iran, the House attached an amendment adding Syria to the sanctions, which relate to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. That effectively would broaden current sanctions against Syria to other countries that may provide it with materials that could be used to make weapons, an option President Bush has resisted until now.

10-28-05 - Palestinian refugees in Syria denounce US threats Syria, home to more than 400,000 Palestinian refugees, has angered the United States by its opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and its tough stance on Israel. Many Palestinians see this as the real motive for US pressure on Syria.

10-28-05 - Congress condemns Ahmadinejad A Senate bill condemning the comments, introduced Thursday by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), and a similar House bill, introduced Friday by Reps. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) and Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), passed unanimously.

10-28-05 - Quartet Calls on Syria to Expel Jihad

Friday, October 28, 2005

News for 10-27-05

10-27-05 - Coverage of Americans wounded in Iraq war leaves US media hurting

10-27-05 - Syria urges dialogue with US as UN mulls tough action

10-27-05 - EU demands Syria cooperate with Hariri probe

10-27-05 - Arab States Silent on Iran's Remarks "We have recognized the state of Israel and we are pursuing a peace process with Israel, and ... we do not accept the statements of the president of Iran," Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said. "This is unacceptable."

10-27-05 - Changes to Syria Draft Resolution Sought China and Russia, two veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, made clear in a first round of meetings that they would oppose a draft resolution threatening sanctions against Syria unless the document undergoes changes, diplomats said.

10-27-05 - Republicans Cut Several Programs in Budget Americans suffer because much-needed funds are being diverted to the neocon's war machine.

10-27-05 - Assassinations in Lebanon; Pipelines in Haifa As many have suspected, the volatile Bolton was dispatched to the UN to pave the way for war with Syria and Iran. His baseless attacks on Damascus have done nothing to disprove that conclusion....The Observer quotes a CIA official who said: 'It has long been a dream of a powerful section of the people now driving this administration and the war in Iraq to safeguard Israel's energy supply as well as that of the United States. The Haifa pipeline was something that existed, was resurrected as a dream, and is now a viable project - albeit with a lot of building to do."

10-27-05 - Danforth Criticizes Christian Sway in GOP Former Sen. John Danforth said Wednesday that the political influence of evangelical Christians is hurting the Republican Party and dividing the country.

10-27-05 - CIA leak illustrates selective use of intelligence on Iraq

10-27-05 - Blair rebukes Iran for threats against Israel

10-27-05 - Galloway given 18m barrels of oil from Saddam, claims independent US report

10-27-05 - Lebanon rejects UN militia report Lebanon has rejected a United Nations report that calls for Lebanese militias to disarmed in line with Security Council resolution 1559

10-27-05 - From December 2004: A state of chaos George Bush has purged the last of his father's senior advisers, handing over control to his neocon allies .....Republican elders who warned of endless war are purged. Those who advised Bush that Saddam was building nuclear weapons, that with a light military force the operation would be a "cakewalk", and that capturing Baghdad was "mission accomplished", are rewarded.

10-27-05 - Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel

10-27-05 - Congress keeps ducking Niger investigation

10-27-05 - FBI Director Robert Mueller, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to Keynote ADL Meeting in New York FBI Director Robert Mueller and U.N. Ambassador John Bolton are scheduled to keynote the Anti-Defamation League's 2005 National Commission Meeting in New York City

10-27-05 - 'I don't understand - people will see us as irrational' Mehran, a 30-year old civil engineer, said: "This is not anything new. Ayatollah Khomeini said this before but I think it is irrational to say a whole country should be wiped off the face of the earth. When the heads of a state say such irrational things it's natural that public opinion in the international community will turn against Iran."

10-27-05 - Confused about the CIA leak case? Start here.

10-27-05 - Flashback May 2004: Reports on Israeli assassin, spy ring confirmed BEIRUT: Newspaper reports that an Israeli spy ring was trying to assassinate top officials here were confirmed Tuesday. But there was no confirmation as to reports that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hizbullah resistance movement, was among the targets.

10-27-05 - Iranians Said to Back President on Israel

10-27-05 - Prominent anti-war protester arrested at White House

10-27-05 - Congress salutes Israel on U.N. post . The House resolution, passed Thursday, also urges an end to the vilification of Israel at the United Nations and advocates Israel?s permanent membership in the Asian Group, which would accord it more rights More legislation for Israel.

10-27-05 - Israel calls for Iran's expulsion from the U.N. Iran's expulsion from the United Nations would require a Security Council recommendation and two-thirds majority vote in the General Assembly -- unlikely given the traditional support of many developing countries for anti-Israel resolutions.

10-27-05 - EU excoriates Iran for Israel comments But the EU stopped short of backing Israel's call for Iran to be suspended from the UN over the remarks by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

News for 10-26-05

10-26-05 - Russia opposes UN action on Syria "Russia will be doing everything necessary to prevent attempts to impose sanctions against Syria,"

10-26-05 - Hariri son rejects Syria action The son of slain former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has said he opposes possible sanctions against Syria in connection with the killing.

10-26-05 - White House on Edge in CIA Leak Case

10-26-05 - Assad vows to prosecute Syrians linked to Harari murder: report "I have declared that Syria is innocent of this crime, and I am ready to follow up action to bring to trial any Syrian who could be proved by concrete evidence to have had connection with this crime,"

10-26-05 - Background to Betrayal Behind the CIA leak investigation

10-26-05 - Iran Leader Calls for Israel's Destruction

10-26-05 - Lebanon troops encircle pro-Syria Palestinian bases U.N. special envoy Terje Roed-Larsen is due to send the Security Council his latest report on Wednesday on the implementation of Resolution 1559, which demands all armed groups in Lebanon disarm and foreign troops withdraw.

10-26-05 - Arab League opposes sanctions on Syria over UN probe the Arab League said in a statement that the investigation had not yet ended and its general secretariat "does not see logic or legitimacy in imposing any sanctions on Syria on the basis of incomplete accusations."

10-26-05 - Judith Miller and Me During the litigation, one of the most interesting insights that I gleaned were reports of meetings held that involved Miller, Emerson, arch-Islamaphobe Daniel Pipes--and a number of other people we now call "neo-cons." All of these people had strong ties to the right-wing Likud party in Israel.

10-26-05 - Syrian arms still flow to Lebanon - U.N. report

10-26-05 - 2,000 dead ? and for what? by Patrick J. Buchanan

10-26-05 - Syria battles to stave off sanctions

10-26-05 - U.S.: Syria, Iran Play 'Unhelpful Roles'

10-26-05 - Who Are We to Pick Syria's President? Whoever heard of an American diplomat wanting to start a war because a former Middle Eastern government official was assassinated?

10-26-05 - Envoy: Assad Refused to Be Interviewed More BS from bellicose Bolton, Israel's new ambassador to the U.N.

10-26-05 - Israel warns of Tehran 'danger'

10-26-05 - Russia is ready to expand cooperation with Iran - Fradkov

10-26-05 - Lebanon charges 2 in Hariri murder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

News for 10-25-05

10-25-05 - Cheney told top aide of CIA officer: report

10-25-05 - White House Sidesteps Cheney Questions

10-25-05 - Rice wants tough anti-Syria move at U.N

10-25-05 - US military death toll in Iraq reaches 2,000

10-25-05 - France and U.S. Prepare Syria Resolution

10-25-05 - Bush says military action against Syria "last resort" Why is this our problem? Who made Syria our problem?

10-25-05 - West seeks Russian backing over Iran nuclear program: diplomats "If the Russians don't come around, there could not be referral in November,"

10-25-05 - Syria 'must hold' Hariri suspects A draft UN resolution has called on Syria to arrest any its national seen by UN investigators as a suspect in the killing ex-Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri. .....such a threat could well be opposed by China and Russia, which both have a veto on the UN Security Council, the BBC's Susannah Price at the UN headquarters in New York says.

10-25-05 - Majority of Americans now feel Iraq war was wrong: poll

10-25-05 - Galloway defiant over new oil-for-food claims

10-25-05 - Iran bomb could fuel Middle East arms race: IISS Too late for that. Israel, India and Pakistan already started that arms race.

10-25-05 - Bush: UN must act on Syria

10-25-05 - Come and get me, British MP Galloway challenges US Congress Galloway, a strident opponent of the Iraq war, said he was "completely bemused" by fresh allegations that he personally solicited and received eight oil vouchers from Saddam Hussein's regime between 1999 and 2003

10-25-05 - Syria is being Set Up to Fail: A Leaked Letter from Washington

10-25-05 - Bolton flouted agency's rules, officials say Some meetings that Bolton held in Israel, including those with officials of Mossad, the foreign intelligence service, also prompted complaints in the State Department from the bureau of Near Eastern affairs, the officials said

10-25-05 - Lebanese man shot on Syria border

10-25-05 - Russia, China looking to form 'NATO of the East'? One initiative that core members Russia and China agree on, experts say, is to squeeze US influence - which peaked after 9/11 - out of the SCO's neighborhood

10-25-05 - FBI infractions since 9/11 raise civil liberty concerns

10-25-05 - The Anti-Syria Scam Syria has done nothing to the US and poses no threat to the US.


10-25-05 - Lebanon's pro-Syria president vows to stay on

10-25-05 - Frustrated Scowcroft Assails Neocons, Cheney

10-25-05 - Estranged scientist wife of MP suffering from cancer

10-25-05 - Is "discrediting Joe Wilson" a red herring?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

News for 10-24-05

10-24-05 - Prosecutor in CIA leak case seen as incorruptible

10-24-05 - Syrian Official Denies Threatening Hariri

10-24-05 - Hezbollah calls for more 'serious' probe into Hariri murder

10-24-05 - France says too early for sanctions against Syria

10-24-05 - Tens of thousands of Syrians protest U.N. probe

10-24-05 - Russia renews support for Iran nuclear program

10-24-05 - Sanctions against Syria on hold as UN completes Hariri report

10-24-05 - The Dangerously Incomplete Hariri Report

10-24-05 - Sanctions on Syria an option: Blair

10-24-05 - Many Players Emerging in CIA Leak Drama

10-24-05 - US envoy demands full cooperation from Syria in UN Hariri probe

10-24-05 - Let This Leak Go The neocon corner starting to squirm in anticipation of the possible forthcoming indictments.

10-24-05 - New wave of arrests in Lebanon after UN report a Lebanese presidential spokesman refuted on Sunday media allegations that President Emile Lahoud had refused to meet with Mehlis

10-24-05 - Blair warns Iran on dangers of isolation from the West Blair added: "You don't ever take any option off the table."

10-24-05 - Media, Democrats Complicit in Rush to War by Patrick J. Buchanan To stampede us into a war neoconservatives had been plotting for a decade, Douglas Feith, the Pentagon's No. 3, set up an Office of Special Plans. Its role: Cherry-pick the intel that Saddam was acquiring weapons of mass destruction and was hell-bent on using them on the United States.

10-24-05 - THE MCLAUGHLIN GROUP TAPED: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2005 MR. BUCHANAN: I think it's going further, John, in this sense. I tend to agree with Eleanor. I mean, to be just perjury and obstruction of justice in the Valerie Plame thing -- and there's no real crime because nobody deliberately outed a CIA agent -- that's very narrow. But you hear that he may be cooperating with McNulty, who's investigating the whole AIPAC thing.

10-24-05 - Let Justice Be Done The neocons know they're running a marathon, desperately trying to outrun the consequences of their own trail of deception. Will the truth catch up with Hadley, Ledeen, et al., before they can do any more damage to American interests in the Middle East ? and spill more blood?

10-24-05 - Scowcroft speaks out in New Yorker Scowcroft told the magazine that nearly two years ago he had a 'terrible fight' with his protege, current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, over U.S. policy on Israel and the Palestinians

10-24-05 - Wurmser was member of OSP

10-24-05 - Brent Scowcroft "Breaks Ranks" with George W. Bush in Major New Yorker Article "The obsession of the region . . . is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Scowcroft wrote in the Journal. "If we were seen to be turning our back on that bitter conflict -- which the region, rightly or wrongly, perceives to be clearly within our power to resolve -- in order to go after Iraq, there would be an explosion of outrage against us."

10-24-05 - Diplomats' testimony sought by lobbyists Two former lobbyists with a pro-Israel group who are charged with disclosing classified U.S. defense information are seeking testimony from Israeli diplomats, according to court documents.

10-24-05 - Rosen and Weissman to call Israelis JTA has learned that the two government officials are David Satterfield, now the deputy U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, and a deputy assistant secretary of state in 2002 when he allegedly relayed classified information to Rosen. The other U.S. government official is Kenneth Pollack, a staffer on President Clinton?s national security council who is now at a think tank.

10-24-05 - Galloway's wife 'received £100,000 from Iraqis' British Palestine-supporter targeted by US Senator.

Monday, October 24, 2005

News for 10-23-05

10-23-05 - Lawyers in CIA-leak case say charges possible this week

10-23-05 - Plame plans to sue White House officials

10-23-05 - Central witness to Mehlis report revealed as a paid swindler The most prestigious German political news-magazine, Der Spiegel, revealed today that the central witness, Zuheir al-Siddiq on whom Detlev Mehlis had relied during his investigations into the assault on Rafiq Hariri, was a dubious person with a criminal record as a convicted felon and swindler

10-23-05 - Syria mulls response to 'slanderous' probe

10-23-05 - US seeks firm UN action towards Syria in wake of Hariri report

10-23-05 - Rice says US military action against Iran "not on agenda"

10-23-05 - Fundamentalist Arrested in Hariri Killing

10-23-05 - US 'confident' world will respond after UN report on Syria

10-23-05 - UN probe disregards dental evidence Ayoub said a tooth was found belonging to a Palestinian whose remnants were subject to DNA analysis and is now believed to be the suicide bomber who drove the explosives laden Mitsubishi truck to the site of the explosion.

10-23-05 - Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK, US forces

10-23-05 - Pressure builds on Syrian regime

10-23-05 - Abu Adas family to sue Assef Shawkat after report Ahmad's brother Khaled, who lives in Germany, contacted his family during the interview. He revealed that he was discussing with an international legal expert the means to file a lawsuit against Assef Shawkat [President Bashar Assad's brother-in-law] after Mehlis's report stated that Shawkat forced Ahmad to claim responsibility for the murder

10-23-05 - Jumblatt urges Syria to cooperate with Mehlis, rejects sanctions

10-23-05 - Arianna Huffington: Throwing Miller and Libby Overboard is Not Enough

10-23-05 - Palestinian shot dead in clashes outside Lebanon refugee camp

10-23-05 - Legal Problems Dog Bush's Inner Circle

10-23-05 - Foes help at sea Syrian sailors rescued two Israelis whose boat sank off Cyprus

10-23-05 - Senate approves money for Arrow The Senate approved almost double President Bush?s requested funding for the Arrow, a joint U.S.-Israeli anti-missile program.

10-23-05 - UN report may demand Lebanon stop arms flow from Syria Isn't it odd how these things always come back to the Palestinians? What is our beef with Syria? Why has this become our problem? Who made it so?

10-23-05 - UN envoy raps Syria's ongoing Lebanon ties -report Syria continues to arm proxy guerrillas and run spies in Lebanon despite withdrawing its troops from the country in April, an Israeli newspaper quoted an upcoming U.N. report as saying on Sunday Israel now gets the jump on U.N. reports?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

News for 10-22-05

10-22-05 - The Costs of War at Walter Reed

10-22-05 - Hariri's son wants killers to face international court

10-22-05 - Iran won't yield to U.S. nuclear pressure: Leader

10-22-05 - US seeking world domination: Iran's supreme leader

10-22-05 - In ominous move, prosecutor in CIA leak case sets up Web site

10-22-05 - Fitzgerald Expands Probe to Prewar Intel

10-22-05 - Russia to launch Iran's first satellite

10-22-05 - US leads calls for action against Syria after Hariri murder report "Why should the United Nations spend all this effort, money, human resources and time, in order to reach exactly what the United States has been saying from day one without a shred of evidence?"

10-22-05 - US diplomat points to neocon ideology behind actions in Iraq A veteran US diplomat who served as a government adviser in Iraq says US policy in the country at the initial stage of the occupation was driven by neoconservative ideology rather than careful preparation and clear understanding of issues.

10-22-05 - White House Defense Shaky in CIA Leak Case

10-22-05 - The #1 Most Buried Story: Halliburton pumping the oil that?s not even metered

10-22-05 - Syria pledges to cooperate after UN Hariri murder report "It is incumbent upon Syria to clarify a considerable part of the unresolved questions," the report said. Wasn't that the point of the UN investigation?

10-22-05 - Lebanese boat enters Israeli waters

10-22-05 - Prosecutor in AIPAC affair is named new U.S. deputy AG

10-22-05 - US forced Israel to freeze Venezuelan F-16 contract: ministry Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz is planning a visit to the Pentagon next month, a ministry spokeswoman confirmed, and is likely to focus on defence deals.

10-22-05 - Old Bush vs. new The Bush administration is bracing for a powerful new attack by Brent Scowcroft, the respected national security adviser to the first President George Bush

10-22-05 - New report brings Syria closer to sanctions It appears unlikely that the Security Council will consider the two reports sufficiently damning to impose sanctions on Syria. Both reports prepare the ground for future sanctions, however, and contain an indirect recommendation to Syrian President Bashar Assad that he cooperate with the United Nations

10-22-05 - Letter from Caracas For one thing, the administration is on friendly terms with governments and groups hostile to Israel and the Jewish people, including Iran and Islamic extremists Then why is Israel arming them?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

News for 10-21-05

10-21-05 - Hariri probe puts Syria on collision course with UN U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said he was consulting fellow Security Council members on possible responses, but he would not say whether sanctions against Syria was among them.

10-21-05 - Syria Rejects Accusations in Hariri Probe

10-21-05 - Bush Calls for U.N. Action Against Syria

10-21-05 - Bush Critic Became Target of Libby, Former Aides Say

10-21-05 - Syria blasts 'politically biased' UN report "It is a political statement against Syria based on allegations by witnesses known for their hostility to Syria,"

10-21-05 - Cheney, CIA Long at Odds

10-21-05 - Syria implicated in death of Hariri reports that US Ambassador John Bolton said Thursday the United States had no immediate comment and would decide what to do next only after it had read the report and consulted with "other interested governments."

10-21-05 - USA desperate to shift blame for Iraqi mess on Syria and Iran

10-21-05 - UN Gives Green Light for Israel, Syria, Iran War Ephraim Halevy, former chief of Israel's Mossad espionage agency under Sharon, said it was not necessary to prove a direct involvement by Assad Israel is agitating for an all out war that engulfs the entire Middle East and our troops caught in the crossfire (again).

10-21-05 - Film shows US soldiers burning Taliban corpses

10-21-05 - Syrian reform would deflect U.S. pressure -opposition

10-21-05 - Does democracy lead to the end of terrorism?

10-21-05 - Rumsfeld urges Chinese clarity on missile build-up

10-21-05 - Iran refuses to confirm or deny trade retaliation

10-21-05 - Israel wants world pressure on Syria following UN report

10-21-05 - Was Plame Outed by a Foreign Spy? The connection of Israel to all this is plain enough: for the neoconservatives, Israel plays the same role as the old Soviet Union did to the American Communist Party.

10-21-05 - Peres: Syrian leadership needs to change

10-21-05 - U.N. to show film on Holocaust The seven-minute film will be shown on a continuous loop in the visitors? lobby of U.N. headquarters in New York starting Monday, according to the Ad Hoc Committee for an Effective U.N. Response to Anti-Semitism, which previewed the film. U.N. officials say a permanent exhibit on the Holocaust will be built once renovations are completed at U.N. headquarters

10-21-05 - U.S. Diplmomat Defends Iraq War Karen Hughes, who has faced a rocky road since being named Washington's public relations chief, answered tough questions Friday about the invasion of Iraq, and wrongly stated that Saddam Hussein gassed to death "hundreds of thousands" of his people.

10-21-05 - Israel's Secret Hand in Iraq Inspections

Friday, October 21, 2005

News for 10-20-05

10-20-05 - UN report sees Syrian involvement in Hariri death High-ranking Syrian and Lebanese officials were involved in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, with suspicion cast even on President Emile Lahoud, a U.N. investigation said on Thursday

10-20-05 - Calls for UN sanctions on Syria over Hariri killing

10-20-05 - Iraq now a terror training center-Canada spy boss

10-20-05 - Annan pores over UN report on Hariri murder; Syria fears sanctions

10-20-05 - 'Cheney cabal hijacked US foreign policy'

10-20-05 - Iran to escape UN referral over atomic plans: diplomats The International Atomic Energy Agency is unlikely to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council when the U.N. agency's board meets next month despite fears Tehran is seeking nuclear weapons, diplomats said

10-20-05 - Iran Gives U.N. Nuclear Agency Documents

10-20-05 - Iran 'has proof' of British role in bombings

10-20-05 - Egypt Discourages Focus on Syria, Lebanon

10-20-05 - DeLay gets mug shot taken as court date looms

10-20-05 - Does Iraq arrest signal Syrian turnabout?

10-20-05 - The Pressure Mounts on Syria, but Israel May Still Pay the Price They realize that peace with Syria would mean giving back most of the Golan Heights, which Israel captured in the 1967 Six-Day War.
That's a price they don't believe is worth paying in the current circumstances
Land is worth more than lives?..

10-20-05 - Patrick Fitzgerald and the NeoCons Let's hope Mr. Fitzgerald can put a few more NeoCons in the "posthumous" category before this is all over.

10-20-05 - The Most Important Criminal Case in American History

10-20-05 - Jewish Groups Watch for Changes At U.N. The Israeli mission and U.S. Jewish organizations hope the 30-year-old Palestinian-related committees will be shut down.

10-20-05 - Judith Miller is Unnamed Woman in AIPAC Spy Ring Indictment

10-20-05 - Israeli, Irishman among foreign fighters in Iraq-US

Thursday, October 20, 2005

‘Cheney cabal hijacked US foreign policy’

‘Cheney cabal hijacked US foreign policy’
By Edward Alden in Washington
Published: October 20 2005 00:00 | Last updated: October 20 2005 00:19

Vice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government's foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell claimed on Wednesday.


In a scathing attack on the record of President George W. Bush, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Mr Powell until last January, said: “What I saw was a cabal between the vice-president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.

“Now it is paying the consequences of making those decisions in secret, but far more telling to me is America is paying the consequences.”

Transcript: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson
Click here

Mr Wilkerson said such secret decision-making was responsible for mistakes such as the long refusal to engage with North Korea or to back European efforts on Iran.

It also resulted in bitter battles in the administration among those excluded from the decisions.

“If you're not prepared to stop the feuding elements in the bureaucracy as they carry out your decisions, you are courting disaster. And I would say that we have courted disaster in Iraq, in North Korea, in Iran.”

The comments, made at the New America Foundation, a Washington think-tank, were the harshest attack on the administration by a former senior official since criticisms by Richard Clarke, former White House terrorism czar, and Paul O'Neill, former Treasury secretary, early last year.

Mr Wilkerson said his decision to go public had led to a personal falling out with Mr Powell, whom he served for 16 years at the Pentagon and the State Department.

“He's not happy with my speaking out because, and I admire this in him, he is the world's most loyal soldier."

Among his other charges:

■ The detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere was “a concrete example” of the decision-making problem, with the president and other top officials in effect giving the green light to soldiers to abuse detainees. “You don't have this kind of pervasive attitude out there unless you've condoned it.”

■ Condoleezza Rice, the former national security adviser and now secretary of state, was “part of the problem”. Instead of ensuring that Mr Bush received the best possible advice, “she would side with the president to build her intimacy with the president”.

■ The military, particularly the army and marine corps, is overstretched and demoralised. Officers, Mr Wilkerson claimed, “start voting with their feet, as they did in Vietnam. . . and all of a sudden your military begins to unravel”.

Mr Wilkerson said former president George H.W. Bush “one of the finest presidents we have ever had” understood how to make foreign policy work. In contrast, he said, his son was “not versed in international relations and not too much interested in them either”.

“There's a vast difference between the way George H.W. Bush dealt with major challenges, some of the greatest challenges at the end of the 20th century, and effected positive results in my view, and the way we conduct diplomacy today.”

News for 10-19-05

10-19-05 - Rice: U.S. May Still Be in Iraq in 10 Years

10-19-05 - Returning US soldiers face financial, medical difficulties Wounded US soldiers who have returned home are increasingly finding that they are being referred to credit agencies by the US military because of discrepancies in pay or "failure to pay" for lost equipment.

10-19-05 - Pentagon agency charged with fraud watch left Iraq 'a year ago' The Knight Ridder Washington Bureau reports that both government and public experts say this decision has left large gaps in "the oversight of how more than $140 billion is being spent."

10-19-05 - Iran Wants Saddam Charged for 1980-88 War

10-19-05 - More Pressure Looms for Syria

10-19-05 - Arrest warrant issued, bail set for Tom DeLay

10-19-05 - UN braces for explosive Mehlis report on Hariri murder

10-19-05 - Rice Won't Rule Out Force on Syria, Iran Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday refused to rule out the possibility of U.S. troops still serving in Iraq in 10 years or U.S. military force against Syria and Iran The orders were given a few years ago - Israeli Ambassador to US Calls for 'Regime Change' in Iran, Syria

10-19-05 - Iran arrests 20 over bombing blamed on UK

10-19-05 - VA Seeks to Punish Iraq War Veterans

10-19-05 - Bush whacked Rove on CIA leak

10-19-05 - Lebanon may prefer int'l tribunal on Hariri murder

10-19-05 - Bush's faith-based war by Patrick J. Buchanan

10-19-05 - Niger Uranium Forgery Whoever leaked Plame's name and CIA affiliation was trying to scare off any further inquiries into the whole Niger uranium funny business, underscoring the key question in all this: who was behind the Niger uranium forgeries?

10-19-05 - Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics

10-19-05 - AP: Rove, Libby Discussed Reporter Info

10-19-05 - Beirut wants Palestinian bases out

10-19-05 - Israeli company pops up in Abramoff scandal Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House of Representatives Administration Committee, awarded Israel?s Foxcom the $3 million contract over LGC Wireless in 2002. LGC complained, saying it violated Congress? tradition of ?Buy American.?

10-19-05 - Syria: Israel turning U.S. against us "Damascus' relations with previous American administrations have been good, and it is the current administration that has created the crisis with Syria due to Israeli pressure, which is being applied in order to realize the goals and interests of the Zionist lobby," the source said.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics

Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics


WASHINGTON - It was called the White House Iraq Group and its job was to make the case that Saddam Hussein had nuclear and biochemical weapons.
So determined was the ring of top officials to win its argument that it morphed into a virtual hit squad that took aim at critics who questioned its claims, sources told the Daily News.

One of those critics was ex-Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who debunked a key claim in a speech by President Bush that Iraq sought nuclear materials in Africa. His punishment was the media outing of his wife, CIA spy Valerie Plame, an affair that became a "side show" for the White House Iraq Group, the sources said.

The Plame leak is now the subject of a criminal probe that has seen presidential political guru Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, hauled before a grand jury.

Both men were members of the group, also known as WHIG. From late 2002 through mid 2003, it was locked in a feud with officials inside the CIA and State Department over claims Saddam tried to buy "yellow cake" uranium in Niger to build nukes, a former Bush administration and intelligence sources told The News.

"There were a number of occasions when White House officials or Vice President [Cheney's] staffers, or others, wanted to push the envelope on things," an ex-intelligence official said. "The agency would say, 'We just don't have the intelligence to substantiate that.'" When Wilson was sent by his wife to Africa to research the claims, he showed the documents claiming Saddam tried to buy the uranium were forgeries.

"People in the Iraq group then got very frustrated. It was a side show," said a source familiar with WHIG.

Besides Rove and Libby, the group included senior White House aides Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin, James Wilkinson, Nicholas Calio, Condoleezza Rice and Stephen Hadley. WHIG also was doing more than just public relations, said a second former intel officer.

"They were funneling information to [New York Times reporter] Judy Miller. Judy was a charter member," the source said.

News for 10-18-05

10-18-05 - Many Iraq projects may be dropped - US official "The fox, Halliburton, is guarding the henhouse," Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio said of the biggest contractor in Iraq.

10-18-05 - Rice meets Annan in advance of UN Hariri report Ensuring that the outcome of the UN report is a foregone conclusion?

10-18-05 - Iran submits own charges against Saddam

10-18-05 - Are we going to war with Iran? The Sunday Telegraph warned last weekend that the UN had a last chance to avert war with Iran and, at a meeting in London last week, the US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, expressed his regret that any failure by the UN security council to deal with Iran would damage the security council's relevance, implying that the US would solve the problem on its own.....In what appeared to be coordinated releases of intelligence assessments, Israeli and US intelligence briefed earlier this year that, while Iran was years from a nuclear weapons capability, the technological point of no return was now imminent.

10-18-05 - Lebanon charges Syrian with murder in Hariri probe

10-18-05 - DeLay politics may carry heavy price The same aggressiveness that has landed him in legal trouble has given him an impressive list of friends in high places. His former protégé Dennis Hastert is speaker of the House of Representatives. Many House members owe their elections to his financial help. Former DeLay aides occupy powerful posts in and outside government - which helps explain why DeLay is so defiant in the face of trouble

10-18-05 - Lebanese, Palestinians Condemn Arms Flow

10-18-05 - Inaccurate Info May Help CIA Leak Probe The incorrect information about where Plame worked in the CIA could be a significant lead for investigators

10-18-05 - Rumsfeld flies into China seeking military ties

10-18-05 - Introduction

10-18-05 - UN gets manners What better way to ingratiate himself with the Bush administration and a hostile Congress than to extend a gracious hand of friendship to Israel, whose supporters carry a lot of weight in U.S. politics You don't say?

10-18-05 - Egypt tries to avoid U.S.-Syria tension, says it fears quagmire

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

News for 10-17-05

10-17-05 - New account suggests dissident faction inside CIA a dissident faction inside the US spy agency that appeared to work even behind the back of the CIA director to debunk the notion Iraq had weapons of mass destruction

10-17-05 - From 2004: Have the Neocons Destroyed the Presidency? by Patrick J Buchanan In 1996, in a strategy paper crafted for Israel's Bibi Netanyahu, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser urged him to "focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power" as an "Israeli strategic objective." Perle, Feith, Wurmser were all on Bush's foreign policy team on 9-11

10-17-05 - DeLay Will Likely Be Booked This Week

10-17-05 - Miller Story Shows White House-CIA Tension

10-17-05 - Iran must return to talks: US

10-17-05 - Iran summons British diplomat over Iraq allegations

10-17-05 - UN resists Hariri probe extension

10-17-05 - Divided Syrian opposition unites to call for change

10-17-05 - Moscow denies Russian role in alleged Iran missile deal

10-17-05 - Facts on Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

10-17-05 - Hariri probe raises stakes for Syria's Assad, Lebanon The leaders of Syria and Lebanon could be fighting for political survival if, as many expect, a U.N. inquiry blames Syrian and pro-Syrian Lebanese officials for the killing of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri

10-17-05 - Ronnie Earle: DeLay Evidence Missing

10-17-05 - 'Flame' Plame Blame Game

10-17-05 - Rice gives London total support over Iran

10-17-05 - Ari Melber: Miller Admits Fabricating Hill Staffer Source to Protect Libby Libby is a neocon.

10-17-05 - Israel, Iran, and the US: Nuclear War, Here We Come

10-17-05 - Congresswoman has Jewish roots She is close to Miami?s Jewish community and, as chairwoman of the Middle East subcommittee of the House of Representatives? International Relations Committee, she has championed a number of measures favored by pro-Israel lobbyists, including the Syria Accountability Act.

10-17-05 - Lebanon Clamps Down on Palestinian Weapons

10-17-05 - Plamegate and Watergate

Monday, October 17, 2005

News for 10-16-05

10-16-05 - Rice enlists support for Syria, Iran showdowns Remember this ? : "Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said the U.S. invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein helped create great opportunities for Israel but it was "not enough."

"It has to follow through. We still have great threats of that magnitude coming from Syria, coming from Iran," he told a conference of the pro-Israeli Anti-Defamation League. " Israeli Ambassador to US Calls for 'Regime Change' in Iran, Syria

10-16-05 - New Questions Arise in CIA Leak Probe When asked whether he thought Libby's letter was an attempt to steer her prospective testimony, Bennett said, "I wouldn't say the answer to that is yes, but it was very troubling."

10-16-05 - Iran refuses to return to full nuclear suspension

10-16-05 - Damascus rejects reported US offer for cooperation: press " President George W. Bush wants to influence Syria's decisions to serve its interests and Israel's interests, but Syria rejects all these conditions and this pressure because it is attached to its principles,"

10-16-05 - Iran suspects British role in Ahvaz bombing: reports Iranian officials said they suspected British involvement in a double bomb attack in an ethnic-Arab dominated city of Ahvaz which killed five people and injured over a hundred, local media reported

10-16-05 - Iran says wants nuclear talks, but no concessions

10-16-05 - UN wants to quiz Hariri witnesses outside Syria: press Detlev Mehlis, the head of the UN inquiry into the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri, wants to interrogate Syrian officials outside their country

10-16-05 - Iran Warned to Clear Up Nuclear Questions

10-16-05 - Judy Miller and the Neocons Miller's reputation had already been deeply sullied by her inaccurate and one-sided reporting on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction before the war. Questions have swirled about her relationship with the small coterie of neoconservatives, including Libby, who staffed key positions in the Bush administration, and who were allied with Ahmad Chalabi, a corrupt Iraqi expatriate and notorious liar who became Miller's principal source on WMD issues.....Bolton was a regular source for Miller in her reporting on national security and weapons of mass destruction issues

10-16-05 - US moving forward on nuclear deal with India

10-16-05 - Iran Issues Charges Against U.K., U.S.

10-16-05 - Bombs blamed on Iran came from Ireland Britain had blamed Iran for passing bomb-making technology to Iraqi insurgents that killed eight soldiers, but officials now say it came from Ireland

10-16-05 - Russians help Iran with missile threat to Europe

10-16-05 - Russian officers train PA forces

10-16-05 - U.S. asks Israel to keep out of efforts to pressure Syria

10-16-05 - Police state fears over terror laws

10-16-05 - Judges liken terror laws to Nazi Germany A powerful coalition of judges, senior lawyers and politicians has warned that the Government is undermining freedoms citizens have taken for granted for centuries and that Britain risks drifting towards a police state.

10-16-05 - Government willing to help UNRWA improve conditions in Palestinian camps

10-16-05 - Hamas 'capable of U.S. attacks' Yehudit Barsky, director of the Middle East and International Terrorism Center at the American Jewish Committee said, "Hamas does have people in America who are Muslim Brotherhood-oriented who support Hamas and who could carry out attacks. ... This presence in the U.S. exists."

Naturally, these are Zionist 'sources'.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

News for 10-15-05

10-15-05 - Bombs kill 4, wound 90 in Arab province of Iran

10-15-05 - Russia, US clash on Iran nuclear 'rights'

10-15-05 - Washington offers Syrian president deal to end isolation

10-15-05 - US troops clashed with Syrian soldiers along border A series of clashes in the last year between American and Syrian troops, including a prolonged firefight this summer that killed several Syrians, has raised the prospect that cross-border military operations may become a dangerous new front in the Iraq war.

10-15-05 - Iran envoy denies links with Iraq attacks, warns Britain over nuclear talks

10-15-05 - Lebanon 'state of emergency' ahead of Hariri report

10-15-05 - Rice Fails to Win Russian Support on Iran

10-15-05 - Indict Ledeen Ledeen's connections to the Office of Special Plans and Sismi are well documented, he attended a number of meetings in Italy with Harold Rhode, who "practically lived out of (Iranian spy) Ahmad Chalabi's office," Manucher Ghorbanifar and guilty Israeli spy Larry Franklin, around the time the Italians began passing on the (already debunked) story back to the US.

10-15-05 - Bolton: U.N. Council Expansion Will Fail

10-15-05 - US envoy to UN accuses Iran of 18-year nuclear weapons programme US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton accused Iran of engaging in an 18-year bid to develop nuclear weapons and claimed that the country might ultimately supply them to terrorists.

10-15-05 - Anti-American Sentiment May Hurt US Firms

10-15-05 - Analysis / Assad is good for the Golan Cui bono ? Who benefits? ? is a question that must ever be asked about Middle Eastern terror.

News for 10-14-05

10-14-05 - US ambassador says Iran lying about nuclear weapons US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton has accused Iran of spending 18 years trying to develop nuclear weapons, while lying to the world about its intentions.

10-14-05 - Iran Warned to Clear Up Nuclear Questions The chief U.S. representative to the U.N. atomic agency warned Iran again on Friday to clear up questions about its nuclear program

10-14-05 - U.S. to Deal 'Seriously' With Any Syrian Link to Hariri Killing

10-14-05 - Lebanon asks UN to extend Hariri murder probe

10-14-05 - Britain issues new warning to Iran, Hezbollah "We believe that there are elements of Iranian society," he said. "I have no evidence that would be conclusive that the government of Iran is involved in this."

10-14-05 - Theories abound over Syrian minister's death Hours after Kanaan's death was announced, US President George W. Bush issued a fresh warning to Syria, demanding it cooperate with the inquiry

10-14-05 - Death of Syrian Minister Raises Questions

10-14-05 - Rice meets Chirac, warns Iran over nuclear program

10-14-05 - Making the Middle East Safe for What? The possible collapse of Assad and his Ba'athists will probably ignite a similar process of "Iraqization" in Syria

10-14-05 - US practice of starving out Iraqi civilians is inhumane, says UN

10-14-05 - US's Rice to visit Russia to build Iran pressure

10-14-05 - Syria death 'could herald change'

10-14-05 - US presses Iran on nuclear talks

10-14-05 - US elite tipped off about terror alert

10-14-05 - Lebanon creates commmission on armed Palestinians

10-14-05 - FM: Syrians feel 'noose tightening' Israel is taking care not to become publicly involved in the probe of the Hariri assassination, although the UN did ask it to provide intelligence material. The security establishment and the government have been considering whether or not complications for Assad are necessarily good for Israel. U.S. pressure on Syria is good for Israel, some say

10-14-05 - Danny Ayalon, Spy? Ayalon warned the assembled wise men against the threat posed by Syria, all the while averring that Israel "is not in the business of regime change." Why should they be, when they have us to do it for them?

10-14-05 - Israel says Syria regime change in world's interest In the Perle-Feith-Wurmser strategy, Israel?s enemy remains Syria, but the road to Damascus runs through Baghdad. Their plan, which urged Israel to re-establish ?the principle of preemption,? has now been imposed by Perle, Feith, Wurmser & Co. on the United States. Whose war is this?

10-14-05 - Reporters ask to join AIPAC case A press advocacy group wants to file an amicus brief in the case against two former staffers of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

10-14-05 - World may have to live with nuclear Iran -US study U.S. intelligence says Iran could produce a weapon in about a decade....To U.S. ally Israel, "a nuclear-armed Iran is a clear and present danger" and most Israeli strategists "do not question if Israel should seek to remove Iranian nuclear facilities," only how or when it should be done, the report said.

However, the U.S. researchers warned that a U.S. or Israeli pre-emptive military strike likely would rally Iranians around a religious fundamentalist government in Tehran that they might otherwise want to replace, spur new attacks by Iran-allied groups like Hizbollah.
Israel's intel says six months. Whom do you believe?

10-14-05 - Egypt warns against Israel?s nukes singularity

10-14-05 - PFLP-GC insists refugee-camp weapons are 'for defense'

Thursday, October 13, 2005

News for 10-12-05

10-12-05 - Syrian general in UN inquiry found dead General Kenaan, 63, was one of several top officials caught up in a UN investigation into the murder of Lebanon's former prime minister, Rafik Hariri, on 14 February this year.

10-12-05 - Syrian 'suicide' sparks theories given Mr Kanaan's long and intimate connection with neighbouring Lebanon, many will regard his death as suspicious and will link it to the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February.

10-12-05 - CIA review faults prewar plans A newly released report published by the CIA rebukes the Bush administration for not paying enough attention to prewar intelligence that predicted the factional rivalries now threatening to split Iraq.

10-12-05 - Libby Did Not Tell Grand Jury About Key Conversation Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Cheney, did not disclose a crucial conversation that he had with New York Times reporter Judith Miller in June 2003 about the operative, Valerie Plame, according to sources with firsthand knowledge of his sworn testimony

10-12-05 - IAEA in talks with Iran on access A team from the U.N. nuclear watchdog is in Tehran for talks on gaining better cooperation from Iran before the United States, France, Britain and Germany push to refer it to the U.N. Security Council, diplomats say

10-12-05 - Bush warns Syria on Lebanon, Iraq, Middle East Bush also had sharp words for Damascus over the Middle East peace process, warning: "We expect Syria not to agitate killers in the Palestinian territories."

10-12-05 - Syria's Regime Prepares for U.N. Report Syria's regime is quietly preparing for the possibility that a U.N. investigation will implicate it in a Lebanese leader's murder ? consolidating its power, preparing a public relations counteroffensive and taking steps to guard against sanctions

10-12-05 - Israeli envoy: Syria harboring terrorists Speaking Tuesday in Washington, Daniel Ayalon said Israel would like to see a change in Syrian behavior, but "is not in the business of regime change."

10-12-05 - Antiwar activist to appear at Yom Kippur service

10-12-05 - A Defiant, Guilty Plea in AIPAC Case Admitting guilt to another charge, relaying information to Naor Gilon, the chief political officer at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, Franklin said that he wasn't giving away anything that the Israeli didn't already know.

"I knew in my heart that his government had this information," Franklin said. "He gave me far more information than I gave him."

10-12-05 - Lawrence's Mid-East map on show A map showing Lawrence of Arabia's proposals for the reconstruction of the Middle East following World War I is set to be displayed for the first time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

News for 10-11-05

10-11-05 - Pentagon wants new spying powers in US

10-11-05 - Syria warns 'gates of hell will open' if U.S. attacks

10-11-05 - US urges Syria to stop supporting insurgency in Iraq

10-11-05 - Britain, France press Iran on nuclear program

10-11-05 - Britain accuses Iran of running training camps for bombers

10-11-05 - Investigator of CIA leak seen as relentless

10-11-05 - Syria launches media broadside on Lebanon

10-11-05 - Diplomats See Possible Iran Compromise

10-11-05 - Lebanese speaker defends Syria ahead of UN murder report

10-11-05 - Israeli ambassador to U.S.: Syria is sheltering 10 or 11 terror groups

10-11-05 - Big change at the UN for Israel

10-11-05 - With Indictment of AIPAC Honchos, Trial of Spy-for-Israel Franklin May Be Postponed The Franklin indictments already suggested that the government has a trove of information on the functioning of AIPAC, ?an organization that hates exposure,? noted the JTA. In fact, AIPAC keeps such a low profile that it is rarely mentioned in the Washington, DC media.

10-11-05 - Suspect: Syrian Gave Bombers $50,000

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

News for 10-10-05

10-10-05 - Tri-nation meet discusses Iraq, Syria Egypt believes "no one should jump to conclusions ... or point a finger of blame at Syria before the UN investigator's report was issued",

10-10-05 - T Is For Traitor Probably the most compelling and outspoken conservative is Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan Cabinet member. Roberts accuses the neocons of treason outright: "The neocons have declared America at war with 1 billion Muslims who have done us no harm. Simultaneously, the neocons destroyed our traditional alliances. Instead of isolating a terrorist enemy, neocons have isolated America."

10-10-05 - Tell Us Who Fabricated the Iraq Evidence

10-10-05 - U.S. and EU3 urged to remain united on Iran

10-10-05 - Rice to hammer out Iran strategy with European powers

10-10-05 - Bringing the War Home

10-10-05 - Lebanese Palestinian Front Rebuffs All Opposition to Arms Issue

10-10-05 - Rice declines to confirm report on US strikes against Syria Rice also said Syria must "make certain that in terms of 1559 they are not encouraging Palestinian rejectionists, some of them in Lebanon, trying to harm the process that is going on in the Palestinian territories."

Monday, October 10, 2005

News for 10-09-05

10-09-05 - U.S. diplomat says Syria not heeding U.S. calls "I expect that this (report) will be another occasion when the international community is going to send the very strongest of signals to the Syrians about their misbehavior," Welch said. Know something we don't, does he?

10-09-05 - US 'seeks new Syrian leader' as pressure mounts As it steps up pressure on Damascus, the US is actively seeking an alternative who would take over from President Bashar al-Assad, according to sources close to the Bush administration. Cui bono ? Who benefits? ? is a question that must ever be asked about Middle Eastern terror.

10-09-05 - US briefs on alleged Iranian nuclear warhead work: diplomats US officials are confident the data is genuine, diplomats said, even though some analysts have criticized it as unreliable since it is believed to come from only one source.

10-09-05 - Don't let superpowers steer UN atomic policy -Iran

10-09-05 - Toy called Assad The bloody settling of accounts that is so familiar from Iraq could also easily develop in Syria between those faithful to the Baath regime and those who wish to take over the reins of power. And the Kurds of Syria, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Palestinian organizations would also have something "to contribute" to the turmoil that is liable to develop.

10-09-05 - Hizbullah: Bush working with 'Israeli terrorists'


10-09-05 - Four Kurds jailed in Syria accused of belonging to "an secret organisation aiming to annex part of Syrian territory to a foreign country."

10-09-05 - US weighed military strikes in Syria The magazine reported that some US intelligence officials believed Washington now was losing out on vital information. Syrian cooperation in the last few years allegedly had helped avert two possible attacks against US targets, including a Navy base in Bahrain. Our men are at risk because the neoconservatives want us to go after Syria, and are pushing the drive for its isolation.

10-09-05 - PNAC Heads for Europe The neoconservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC) has launched a new transatlantic effort, "Committee for a Strong Europe,"

10-09-05 - CIA leak probe puts Bush's top adviser under a cloud

10-09-05 - Syrian defense Minister condemned the latest statement by Israeli war minister: Syria will continue to seek a just and comprehensive peace Lieut. Gen. Turkmani condemned the latest statement by Israeli war minister in which he said that the Golan will remain in the hand of Israel forever and that Israel would continue the policy of settlement in the occupied Golan.

10-09-05 - Israeli firms said on WMD list Eleven Israeli companies appear on a recently issued report by the MI-5 security service titled "Companies and Organizations of Proliferation Concern," Britain's Guardian newspaper reported Saturday.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

News for 10-08-05

10-08-05 - Arab League Warns of Civil War in Iraq

10-08-05 - Iran, West Urged to Resume Nuclear Talks

10-08-05 - Letter shows Cheney aide was prodded in leak probe

10-08-05 - Ex-Marine Says He Committed Atrocities

10-08-05 - Iran Says IAEA Inspections Could End

10-08-05 - Iran says nuclear warhead allegations a 'lie'

10-08-05 - Rove Denied to Bush He Engaged in Leak

10-08-05 - Prosecutor in CIA case taking new tack, lawyers say

10-08-05 - Egypt press says IAEA Nobel prize a message to US, Israel

10-08-05 - Lebanese leader meets Palestinians

10-08-05 - Lebanon: Palestinian weapons must stay in camps Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Saturday there will be no confrontation with the Palestinian factions

10-08-05 - Lebanese security forces detained two armed Palestinians This was after the Lebanese army intensified its presence around the Palestinian camps in precaution of what it said attempts of Israeli forces likely to land there.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

News for 10-07-05

10-07-05 - Iranians demonstrate en masse to back nuclear program

10-07-05 - Bush God comments 'not literal'

10-07-05 - Bush: Syria, Iran must be held accountable Asked to elaborate later, Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said the United States could expand sanctions against Syria.

10-07-05 - Iran strong enough to stand sanctions: cleric

10-07-05 - Syria Growing More Isolated The U.N. investigation is not the only source of pressure on Syria. Washington considers the country a destabilizing element in the region and has been pushing the regime to change its behavior.

10-07-05 - Senate Votes to Give Bush More War Funds The Senate voted Friday to give President Bush $50 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. military efforts against terrorism, money that would push total spending for the operations beyond $350 billion

10-07-05 - Indictment choices for the CIA leak

10-07-05 - Rattle Sabers, Blah, Blah, Blah In a speech about the war on terror this morning, President Bush was sounding like a neocon puppet. And that he is

10-07-05 - BBC shies away from Bush story Just 24 hours after accusations that the corporation's news coverage was backing away from risk-taking, some of the BBC's key outlets decided not to run an exclusive story unearthed by BBC2 about the US president.

10-07-05 - Europe shocked over BBC's revelations An appalled, only marginally amused Britain and much of Europe has reacted with shock to an extraordinary revelation by the BBC, which claims President Bush confessed to senior Palestinian leaders that God told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

10-07-05 - DeLay?s Downfall Likely May Mar Pro-Israel Clout Jews on the left, who favor a stronger U.S. role in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking that may include new pressure on Israel, were delighted when DeLay gave up his leadership post until his legal difficulties are resolved. Pro-Israel forces that relied on the Texas Republican to forestall such pressure were worried.

10-07-05 - Committee praises Israel U.N. move The resolution, initiated by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and passed Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives? International Relations Committee, congratulates Israel?s ambassador to the United Nations More legislation for Israel.

10-07-05 - Bush: Fight terrorism to protect Israel America must fight terrorists because they could destroy Israel, President Bush said.

10-07-05 - Lebanon's move on arms worries Palestinian guerrillas

10-07-05 - Hundreds rally against lifting ban HUNDREDS of people turned up at two separate sites to demonstrate against Bahrain's lifting of a boycott of Israeli goods yesterday....The lifting of the ban is understood to be part of the conditions specified in Bahrain's upcoming Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US.

10-07-05 - Nobel Prize to IAEA 'warning' to Iran: Peres Peres is considered the "father" of Israel's nuclear technology for creating in the 1950s with France, the only known nuclear power station in the country.

10-07-05 - Bolton: UNRWA might disappear Israeli and pro-Israel groups complain that UNRWA acts as an advocate for the Palestinians instead of simply administering relief. UNRWA says it advocates for a standard of living and not a national cause.
Bolton is Israel's new ambassador to the UN.

10-07-05 - Israel denies 'spying against US'