The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

News for 04-17-07

04-17-07 - Iranian Made Weapons Intercepted In Afghanistan, Says Top US General "It is not as clear in Afghanistan which Iranian entity is responsible but we have intercepted weapons in Afghanistan headed for the Taliban that were made in Iran,"

04-17-07 - Iran FM in Syria ahead of Iraq security conference

04-17-07 - Iran working 'continuously' to expand nuclear programme

04-17-07 - Jordan, Syria beg world to help with Iraq refugees

04-17-07 - Contractor says was told to hire Wolfowitz friend

04-17-07 - Iran needs four years to complete fuel cycle:nuclear chief

04-17-07 - New threat to skilled U.S. workers The master plan, it seems, is to move perhaps 40 million high-skill American jobs to other countries. Not neocon-related but important all the same.

04-17-07 - US drops marine's Haditha charges The US Marine Corps has dropped all charges against one of the eight marines accused in the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in 2005.

04-17-07 - Iraqi refugees stories

04-17-07 - The Inexplicable Enrichment of Bush Cronies Feith helped set up the Coalition Provisional Authority in May 2003, with its leader Paul Bremer, and Feith's office and the CPA were in charge of awarding reconstruction contracts with Iraqi money.

04-17-07 - Declining use of 'war on terror'

04-17-07 - Dems tout Iran-Syria dialogue to Reform Top Democrats promoted dialogue with Iran and Syria in addresses to Reform Jewish leaders.

04-17-07 - Behind George Soros' Fight With AIPAC Sources familiar with the Soros-AIPAC controversy report that AIPAC has been involved in a smear campaign against Soros because, among other reasons, Soros' Open Society Fund has bankrolled the revival of Jewish communities in many areas of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, whereas AIPAC's backers believe that all of world Jewry should be living in Israel.

04-17-07 - Virginia Tech Killer Is South Korean It was while he was watching the news that he discovered there was a Palestinian student, Jamal Al-Barghouti, who had filmed some of the incidents on his cell phone camera.
"He is part of our community, but he lived his life in Saudi Arabia," said Al-Sulaimani. "We have a sad story. One of the victims is a Lebanese girl, Reema Samah, who was killed in the attack."

04-17-07 - Two Lebanese-Americans among dead in US campus massacre An avid dancer, Reema had performed the debke with Lebanese and Palestinian students at Virginia Tech's International Fair a day before her deah. On Saturday night, she had performed with the Contemporary Dance Ensemble.

04-17-07 - Jewish minister praises Iran Kasrils, who is Jewish, was in Iran last week as part of an official state visit

04-17-07 - Outside View: Iran's nuclear strategy ** Although U.S. President George W. Bush may be very tempted to attack Iran, he is not a dictator and will not ignore public opinion and ruin his party.

04-17-07 - Democratic Illusions Why is a nuclear Iran "unacceptable" to the U.S.? Yes, surely one can see how the Israeli government would strike such a stance, but how, exactly, is America threatened by the prospect of Iranian nukes

04-17-07 - Israel should surrender Golan Heights before talks: Syria

04-17-07 - Two more Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese air space Two Israeli warplanes on Sunday flew across the skies over northern Lebanon, violating the Lebanese air space, military sources said.

04-17-07 - Soros attacks US pro-Israel lobby Mr Soros, who is Jewish, argues Aipac has exceeded its mission by intervening in debates over Iran, the failed appointment of the neocon John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN, and its earlier enthusiastic support of the Iraq invasion.

04-17-07 - Is Cheney Right? Will Democrats Cave on Iraq Funding? What would prompt Levin to preempt his own majority leader? One possible explanation might be found in the chutzpah-laden admonitions coming from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) cheerleaders for Cheney, who do not disguise their fervor for the U.S. continuing the war in Iraq. Their gratuitous warnings at last month's AIPAC meeting in Washington that U.S. politicians not show "weakness" on Iraq spring from their conviction that withdrawal of U.S. troops would make the neighborhood more dangerous for Israel. (Israeli politicians should have thought of that before goading Bush and Cheney into attacking Iraq in the first place.)

04-17-07 - It Didn't Start with the Neo-Cons To mop up secular Arab nationalism, the US and Israel encouraged the growth of Islamist movements, up to and including the Palestinian party Hamas, whose origins were funded by Israel to counter the secular Palestine Liberation Organization. The present struggle between Fatah and Hamas in the Occupied Territories is a direct result of the US adoption of the imperialist's oldest maxim, "divide et impera" -- but with the division being accomplished by religion.

04-17-07 - Why is the Peace Movement Silent About AIPAC?

04-17-07 - US cannot be trusted to act responsibly in the world: global poll The Philippines and Israel proved the staunchest supporters with 85 percent and 81 percent of respondents, respectively, saying they trusted the US either a "great deal" or "somewhat," No sh#t?

04-17-07 - The Message of PBS's "Crossroads" Series One entire program in the series, funded with federal money dispensed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), is dedicated to Richard Perle, the neoconservative strategist who pushed for "regime-change" in Iraq and is now promoting it once more in Iran.....It is interesting that in an 11-program series focused largely on the Middle East, no mention is made of the core issue of the region: the enormous injustice perpetrated in 1948 when Israel ethnically cleansed most of the indigenous population, and its ongoing and ruthless efforts in this direction today. PBS falls.

04-17-07 - Israel and Lebanon want Germans to stay Germany currently heads the U.N.-led naval force tasked with securing the Lebanese coast with two frigates, a supply ship and two speed boats, but the German mandate for the mission runs out at the end of August.

04-17-07 - AIPAC judge throws out motion to keep trial secret "It is important we get it tried as soon as possible -- or not tried," Ellis said. That was the first of two times that Ellis appeared to hint that the prosecution should consider dropping the case.

04-17-07 - Lebanon seeks damages Lebanese Finance Minister Jihad Azour said Monday that his country was preparing a lawsuit to be filed against Israel in an unspecified international forum. Israel will get the US to quash it, no doubt.

04-17-07 - Israel: Iran recruiting Jews as spies

04-17-07 - Hezbollah ready to become political movement, EU official says Beirut - Hezbollah would be ready to transform its armed resistance into a political movement, if all occupied Lebanese territories are freed, a Spanish representative to the European parliament said Sunday.


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