The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Monday, November 06, 2006

News for 11-05-06

11-05-06 - Iran says would consider talks with U.S. on Iraq Iran said on Sunday it would consider entering talks with the United States on security in Iraq if it received an official request. It isn't going to happen. Neocons want war on Iran, not talks.

11-05-06 - Why do so few people vote in the U.S.?

11-05-06 - White House: Anti-Rumsfeld editorial 'shabby'

11-05-06 - Pentagon targets Kim?s nuclear sites US defence officials said detailed planning was under way for precision strikes on nuclear facilities such as the North Korean plutonium reprocessing plant at Yongbyon.

11-05-06 - Bush welcomes Saddam death sentence

11-05-06 - UN inspectors visit Iran's nuclear sites

11-05-06 - Russian minister says U.N. sanctions against Iran should be for limited period Russia's foreign minister said Saturday that Moscow would only support sanctions against Iran if they were for a limited time and spelled out a clear mechanism for lifting them, Russian news agencies reported.

11-05-06 - End of the Neo-Cons I disagree with the author's take on the definition of neoconservatism. Thomas Paine was hardly a neocon. An insult if I've ever heard one. There's no greater cause than the American cause. Neoconservatism has nothing to do with it. The latter is about making the world safer for ISRAEL, not the US. It's an ideology based on treason. Just look at the results. And the neocons ain't done yet.

11-05-06 - Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush Saddam Hussein's defence team has urged a delay of his possible death sentence and said the ousted Iraqi leader believed today's expected verdict was timed to boost President George Bush before US mid-term elections

11-05-06 - Nuclear Lab Breach Could Be 'Devastating'

11-05-06 - Suicide Terrorism and Democracy: What We?ve Learned Since 9/11 Understanding that suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation rather than a product of Islamic fundamentalism has important implications for how the U.S. government should conduct the war on terrorism

11-05-06 - Saddam urges Iraqis not to take revenge on U.S.

11-05-06 - On Second Thought: Neocons Rethink Iraq War Vice President Dick Cheney declined to comment on the article during an interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, but he rejected the analysis that the administration failed in not anticipating Iraq's chaos.

11-05-06 - Bush Says U.S. Pullout Would Let Iraq Radicals Use Oil as a Weapon You mean like somebody is doing NOW? Why isn't gasoline below $2 a gallon, folks?

11-05-06 - Cheers and jeers as Mideast torn over Saddam verdict

11-05-06 - Car bomb goes off near Beirut barracks

11-05-06 - A Fanciful Neocon Version Of Our Expansionist History

11-05-06 - Iran ready to supply Lebanon with anti-aircraft arms

11-05-06 - Israel stays silent on Saddam "We prefer not to state our position on the matter, which could be used by the rebels in Iraq who are attempting to drag Israel into the conflict there,"

11-05-06 - Kentucky notes: GOP, Israel, Dirt In recent weeks a debate has been heating up among the movers and shakers of the Jewish community over a key question: Who's better for Israel - the Republicans or the Democrats? Things reached such a point that, on Wednesday, the main pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC, had to address the subject and issued a decisive announcement: They're both good, the Republicans and the Democrats. No kidding? Next we'll hear that both grizzly bears AND black bears sh@t in the woods. Will wonders never cease?...

11-05-06 - Crist, Davis dart across state, make final pitches to voters Davis said. "I've been standing up for peace and security in Israel and Charlie Crist has done nothing." I pledge allegiance to the flag of..


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