The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Thursday, July 26, 2007

News for 07-25-07

07-25-07 - Iran 'ready for more Iraq talks' Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Iran would consider meeting the US at deputy foreign minister level, if the US suggested it.

07-25-07 - Iran says it will never stop nuclear activities "Iran will never abandon its peaceful (nuclear) work. Our nuclear work is legal and why should we stop it?"

07-25-07 - US envoy blasts Iran after Iraq talks At a second meeting with his Iranian counterpart in two months, the US ambassador blasted Tehran on Tuesday for arming and training Shiite militias but agreed to set up a security subcommittee with Iran and Iraq to carry forward work on stabilizing the country.

07-25-07 - Syria intervenes to cancel Iraq rebels meetings Syria's secular government, which has been reinforcing links with Iran, took steps last year to improve ties with Iraq. Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi is expected to visit Damascus next month.

07-25-07 - House Passes Lee Bill to Ban Permanent Bases in Iraq

07-25-07 - Bipartisan Committee Denounces Illegal Spying Program Today a bipartisan coalition of political leaders, policy experts, and legal scholars condemned the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program as illegal, and called on Congress to complete its investigation of the program before considering any changes to the law governing electronic surveillance.

07-25-07 - CIA misled Britain over rendition plan The CIA misled British intelligence chiefs over the arrest and treatment of terrorist suspects who were the subjects of rendition to Guantanamo Bay, an Intelligence and Security Committee report to the Prime Minister warned.

07-25-07 - Iran fist-in-glove with Iraqi rebels: America builds its case **

07-25-07 - Iran nuke plant delayed The completion of Iran?s first atomic power plant will be delayed by more than a year, to the fall of 2008, a Russian nuclear subcontractor said.

07-25-07 - World Bank urged to stop Iran funds A dozen members of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter urging the new World Bank president to stop funding for Iran.

07-25-07 - US missile defence system set for UK

07-25-07 - U.S. soldiers cheer on young boys celebrating outside their combat outpost in Baqouba, 60 kilometers (35 miles) northeast of Baghdad

07-25-07 - Ron Paul teams up with Dem candidate to end war As the host mentioned, the Texas Congressman has co-sponsored a bill with another presidential contender, Democrat Dennis Kucinich, that would repeal President Bush's authority to use force in Iraq within the next sixth months. Besides Kucinich, 18 other Democrats have signed on.

07-25-07 - Bush In Free Fall At what point will President Bush finally grasp the enormous disaster that the neoconservatives, from Vice President Dick Cheney on down, have visited upon his presidency? Evidently never.

07-25-07 - House Panel Cites Bush Aides for Contempt of Congress The House Judiciary Committee voted contempt of Congress citations Wednesday against White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and President Bush?s former legal counselor, Harriet Miers.

07-25-07 - National Intelligence Estimate lacks supporting evidence, possibly politicized, intelligence officials say "As regards to the Hezbollah 'threat,'" the official added, "they just threw that in. "Nobody in CIA talks to Hezbollah, and they're living off their assessments from back in the 80s, which they really never got right anyway." Whose War?.

07-25-07 - Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi: MP3 Former CIA counter-terrorism officer and columnist Philip Giraldi debunks the War Party's claims that Iran backs al Qaeda, explains U.S. support for the terrorist groups Mujahadeen-e-Khalq and Jundullah against Iran, and the two most likely circumstances in which Cheney will use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against them. Philip Giraldi = one of the good guys. I strongly encourage you to listen to this interview.

07-25-07 - Obama, Clinton feud on talks with Assad and other despots The Obama-Clinton contretemps comes as the pro-Israel lobby has made isolating Iran its signature issue and after Republicans attacked U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in April for meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

07-25-07 - Hezbollah leader suggests Israel may be behind attacks on U.N. peacekeepers "It will be very embarrassing for the Israelis, especially if they are thinking in the next war to launch a large-scale land invasion (of south Lebanon), to have UNIFIL troops there," Nasrallah said.

07-25-07 - America puts Israel's enemies on trial

07-25-07 - Lebanese army steps up shelling of Islamists

07-25-07 - U.N. peacekeeper killed in Lebanon A French peacekeeper working on a U.N. demining team was killed Wednesday when an unexploded shell from last summer's war between Israel and Hezbollah blew up as he was trying to clear it, a U.N. official said.

07-25-07 - Re-Targeting Syria, the "Ho Chi Minh Trail of Terrorists?" former Bush speech-writer and Christian rightist Michael Gerson complains that the administration?s military reaction to alleged subversion in Iraq by Iran and Syria has been "muted" but concedes that attacking Iran could be problematic. "Syria, however, is what one former administration official calls ?lower-hanging fruit,?"

07-25-07 - Few Muslims 'back suicide bombs' However, 70% of Palestinians interviewed said they believed such attacks were sometimes justifiable. ......The survey also suggests that as countries and families grow richer, optimism increases, as well as support for ruling governments.


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