The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Sunday, April 09, 2006

News for 04-09-06

04-09-06 - U.S. Aims to Dampen Talk of Striking Iran Britain's foreign secretary called the idea of a nuclear strike "completely nuts."

04-09-06 - UK dismisses talk of Iran attack Mr Straw told BBC One's Sunday AM show there was "no smoking gun" to justify an attack on Iran despite "high suspicion" over its nuclear work. "We can't be certain about Iran's intentions and that is therefore not a basis for which anybody would gain authority to go to military action," he said.

04-09-06 - Iran says US military strike talk 'psychological warfare' However British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, whose country was the key US ally in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, dismissed any idea of military action against Tehran.

04-09-06 - Bush critics alarmed over reports of possible strike on Iran

04-09-06 - Target Iran: US hints at a new battlefront According to his article in The New Yorker, the plans aimed at engineering regime change in Tehran have split the Pentagon top brass to such an extent that some officers have threatened to resign their posts.

04-09-06 - Iran 'shoots down unmanned plane' IRAN had shot down an unmanned surveillance plane in the south amid reports that the United States is planning military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities, a press report said today.

04-09-06 - Former Syrian spy chief denies link to Hariri's murder

04-09-06 - US leak of Zarqawi letter riles Israelis Israel passed the letter ? in which Ayman al-Zawahiri outlined his Middle East strategy to Abu Musab al- Zarqawi, the Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq ? to Washington last October on condition of strict anonymity. Israel is providing us with letters from Al Qaeda operatives?

04-09-06 - Intelligence leak timeline under scrutiny

04-09-06 - London blasts had no direct al Qaeda support-report

04-09-06 - Report: Israel pressuring U.S. over Iran attack The Washington Post wrote that despite estimations by American officials that Iran would need another decade before having the bomb, Israel believes that the critical breakthrough could take place within a number of months And just who is our government going to believe (this time)?

04-09-06 - UN official to visit Syria head The head of the UN's investigation into the assassination of Lebanon's Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is set to go to Damascus to meet the Syrian president

04-09-06 - Iraq angered by civil war warning Iraqi leaders have strongly criticised Egypt's president after he said Iraq was on the verge of a civil war.

04-09-06 - Why 'leaker in chief' charge harms the president "Here's why this hurts: It reminds people again that the intelligence was bad and we're in Iraq without end for some of the wrong reasons, and that's at the heart of his 36 percent,"

04-09-06 - A 'Concerted Effort' to Discredit Bush Critic As he drew back the curtain this week on the evidence against Vice President Cheney's former top aide, Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for the first time described a "concerted action" by "multiple people in the White House" -- using classified information -- to "discredit, punish or seek revenge against" a critic of President Bush's war in Iraq.

04-09-06 - NIGER-GATE: THE SCANDAL BEHIND THE SCANDAL Shortly before the forged documents surfaced in Italy, Michael Ledeen paid a visit to the head of Italy's secret service, SISMI. Ledeen's entourage included Larry Franklin, since exposed as a spy for Israel operating in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, an operational partner to the White House Iraq Group charged with "selling" the war in Iraq to the American people.

04-09-06 - Pollard blasts former handler Pollard alleged that Eitan has the sole surviving copy of a document that could be used as a "bargaining chip" for his release from prison, but did not elaborate.

04-09-06 - "Israel Should Not Be on the Forefront of a War Against Iran" I don't think America can tolerate the idea of a leader of nation of 30 million people who can openly speak of the liquidation of another country That other country happens to be Israel. He is suggesting that we deal with threats to Israel, but also denying that this would be a war for Israel. Can't have it both ways.

04-09-06 - Harvard dean steps down after study is criticized

04-09-06 - Professors spark political firestorm with Israel essay In the lobby essay, Mearsheimer and Walt charged that "the creation of Israel entailed a moral crime against the Palestinian people."

04-09-06 - U.S. aid to Israel put in sharp focus To John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, heartfelt thanks are due. They are very eminent academics, from the University of Chicago and Harvard respectively, and the authors of a treatise titled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy."

04-09-06 - Al-Qaeda goes recruiting in festering Gaza


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