The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Friday, April 07, 2006

News for 04-06-06

04-06-06 - US 'in talks with Iraq militants' Mr Khalilzad would not specify which groups the US had had contact with but "Saddamists" is usually a reference to al-Qaeda figures such as the Jordanian militant, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi.

04-06-06 - CNI to Publish a New York Times Ad Please help us publish this ad by making your tax-deductible donation today.
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04-06-06 - Iran says military threats not in U.S. interests Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander said on Wednesday the United States should accept Iran's position as a regional power, adding that sanctions or military threats would not be in U.S. or European interests.

04-06-06 - U.S. Officials Are Mulling Iran Strikes, Experts Say A former senior CIA official said that the United States was conducting a disinformation campaign that was part of a wider set of covert operations intended to destabilize the Islamic regime. He declined to be identified or to be more specific.

04-06-06 - UN nuclear watchdog head calls for Iranian cooperation IAEA inspectors were due in Iran on Friday to visit the country's uranium enrichment facility and other sites amid concern that Iran may harbour ambitions of developing nuclear arms.

04-06-06 - CIA Leak Judge Says No to Secret Arguments A federal judge barred prosecutors in the CIA leak case Wednesday from making arguments that would be kept secret from the defendant, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff.

04-06-06 - Israel Lobby Exposes U.S. to Avoidable Hostility Overseas while Smearing Academic Critics as 'Anti-Semitic', Says IRmep Poll; Mearsheimer and Walt Study Accurate 91 pct. of Middle East academics polled believe it is "extremely accurate" to "accurate" that the Israel Lobby's tactics expose the United States to avoidable hostility in the Middle East...86 pct. of Middle East academics polled believe that the Israel Lobby places what it considers to be Israel's interests above the national interests of the United States.

04-06-06 - Many Gulf Arabs Uneasy About Iran Yet the worry over Iran does not mean Arab nations are totally supportive of the U.S. position toward Tehran. Indeed, many here say their greatest concern is that the United States might launch military action against Iran - a move they fear would destabilize the region and draw retaliation against Arab states.

04-06-06 - Iran hypes war games in Gulf oil corridor "The export of 20 million barrels (of petrol) through the Straits of Hormuz highlights the significance of the region, where the maneuvers are held," said the commander of Iran's powerful ideological army.

04-06-06 - 'I Would Have Been Hizbollah Member'

04-06-06 - Judge in Israel Lobbyists' Trial Told Evidence 'Overwhelming' "At trial in this case, the government will present overwhelming evidence of the defendants' specific, willful intent to violate" the Espionage Act, prosecutors wrote in papers filed last week with the federal judge overseeing the case, Thomas Ellis III of Alexandria,Va. "The government will prove - often using the defendants' own words - that Rosen and Weissman knew that they had obtained classified national defense information, knew it was unlawful to disclose that information, knew that the foreign officials and members of the media to whom they disclosed the information were not entitled, and yet, knowing all of these things, decided to disclose the information in any event."

04-06-06 - Libby Says Bush Authorized Leaks

04-06-06 - Moscow issues West a warning BERLIN With Chancellor Angela Merkel shifting German foreign policy more markedly toward the United States and the defense of human rights, Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, on Thursday warned the West against isolating his country from helping to broker disputes with Iran and other conflicts in the Middle East

04-06-06 - Envoys: Mideast Nations Held Secret Talks

04-06-06 - Remarks by President Bush on the Global War on Terror I think the Palestinians have been a long-suffering people that deserve better government. The former leadership turned out to be corrupt, like, stole money. And as a result of his leadership, we never got very close to peace. There wasn't a lasting -- there weren't lasting institutions in place. I believe democracies don't war. 'Democracies don't war', What the?

04-06-06 - Of Course There Is an Israel Lobby Neither the U.S. government nor media has ever protested?has never even mentioned?Israel's years-long multiple arrests and protracted detentions of American citizens, without charge or trial. In September 2000, CNN interviewed four Americans who had been tortured, the only report on this compelling story, and the network has since been forced to refuse selling recordings of that news segment, "Americans Mistreated in Israeli Jails." America would have been fully informed had any other country committed these acts.

04-06-06 - China has U.S. anti-missile tech, via transfer from Israel China covertly obtained Patriot anti-missile system technology from Israel during the 1990s, according to U.S. officials.

04-06-06 - More debate over report on Israel's influence in US Coverage of the debate over the recent paper by professors Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago that examines the influence of Israel and its supporters in Washington over US foreign policy has been, mostly, absent from US media The Christian Science Monitor again takes the lead in reporting important issues when most other mainstream American media fall flat.


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