The US inches ever closer to attacking Iran

Sunday, April 02, 2006

News for 04-02-06

04-02-06 - America's war on the web lThirdly, the US wants to take control of the Earth?s electromagnetic spectrum, allowing US war planners to dominate mobile phones, PDAs, the web, radio, TV and other forms of modern communication. That could see entire countries denied access to telecommunications at the flick of a switch by America. If this weren't coming from the Sunday Herald of Scotland, I just wouldn't believe it. Wow.

04-02-06 - Government in secret talks about strike against Iran The United States government is hopeful that the military operation will be a multinational mission, but defence chiefs believe that the Bush administration is prepared to launch the attack on its own or with the assistance of Israel, if there is little international support. British military chiefs believe an attack would be limited to a series of air strikes against nuclear plants - a land assault is not being considered at the moment. The Brits know more about this than we do here at home. Our press once again acquiesces to the will of the neocon-ridden Bush administration.

04-02-06 - US and UK forces establish 'enduring bases' in Iraq Zoltan Grossman, a geographer at Evergreen State College in Washington, said: "After every US military intervention since 1990 the Pentagon has left behind clusters of new bases in areas where it never before had a foothold. The new string of bases stretch from Kosovo and adjacent Balkan states, to Iraq and other Persian Gulf states, into Afghanistan and other central Asian states ... The only two obstacles to a geographically contiguous US sphere of influence are Iran and Syria."

04-02-06 - Attacking Iran May Trigger Terrorism Iran would mount attacks against U.S. targets inside Iraq, where Iranian intelligence agents are already plentiful, predicted these experts. There is also a growing consensus that Iran's agents would target civilians in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, they said. So, let us recap. Israel wants US to attack Iran for a nuclear weapons program that they may or may not already have, which would then increase terrorism for US in AMERICA.

04-02-06 - MoD denies Iran military meeting BBC Defence Correspondent Paul Wood said US plans for a possible strike are thought to be at an advanced stage. "US plans for a possible strike are thought to be at an advanced stage. "

04-02-06 - Iran says fires sonar-evading, underwater missile

04-02-06 - Sleuths look for the tiniest smoking gun that could lead to war on Iran

04-02-06 - Rice: U.S. Committed to Diplomacy in Iran In an interview with the ITV television channel recorded in Liverpool on Saturday, Rice acknowledged concerns that the standoff between the U.N. Security Council and Iran over its nuclear program could lead to the U.S. taking pre-emptive military action.

04-02-06 - US and UK urge Iraq talks speed 'Hurry it up already, we've got another candidate for 'democracy' already lined up next door and we don't have all year!'

04-02-06 - Jill Carroll arrives home

04-02-06 - Jibril tells Hariri he had no role in father's assassination Jibril said after his meetings that what "is most important at the moment is that the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are given guarantees that they will be equal to their Lebanese brothers ... and given their basic human rights as the Palestinian refugees in Syria and outside it are given."

04-02-06 - War Against Iran, April 2006

04-02-06 - From March 10: Bush: Iran's threats to Israel a 'grave national security concern' A friendly reminder as to exactly WHY we may strike Iran.

04-02-06 - Most favored nation No one needed Mearsheimer and Walt to expose the work of lobbyists on behalf of Israel today. So far from hiding itself away in dark corners, AIPAC glories in its power and influence The newest spin of the report on the Israeli lobby: yes, the lobby is powerful, but it's not really 'good' for Israel and thus it's irrelevant. This next paragraph sums up my previous assertions well: "Supposing, then, for the purest sake of argument, that the war was fought in some manner to help Israel, did it do so? Ask an Israeli." - that Israel-supporters backed the war on Iraq and since it has not gone as well as the neocons had predicted, these Israel-supporters are now backpeddling from their pro-war stance with great fury. In fact, they have the unmitigated gall to complain about this in the Israeli press. That's a kick right in the ass to the American people. Add to that the fact that they have the audacity to complain that the United States isn't doing enough, isn't working fast enough to take care of their next great threat - Iran.

04-02-06 - U.S. televangelist to launch Christian pro-Israel lobby Hagee said his group would be a Christian - and more powerful - version of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a large pro-Israel lobby, and would target senators and congressmen on Capitol Hill. A quarter of congressmen are evangelicals, and many American legislators represent regions that include a large evangelical population, he said. Since AIPAC is under heavy fire, the End Times Christian fundamentalists step in with their own version. They are part of the problem. Strangely, these two groups are fundamentally at odds on every other social issue. Do the research. And oddly enough, no other nation on the planet has such a contingency of Israel-first Christians in their midst.

04-02-06 - Mission ends in symbolism In the end, eight of the nine people - from Israel, the Palestinian territories, the US, Iraq, Iran, and Ukraine - were on hand for the final act of peace


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